Monday, 19 August 2013

Handmade clay figurines - A winter story

I went crazy with the natural clay that I bought. Made tiny figurines and tried to weave a story around them.
I love to listen to stories and also cook up some. This one is called A Winter Story; a family of penguins have made a snowman and are admiring it. Christmas trees stand watching the fun. :)

Hello and Welcome :)

I created this blog - Asha's Handicrafts or Hope Handcraft - because a few of my friends asked me to do so. Thanks to them! :)
Over the next few days, you can see more articles about the different handmade items that I have created and also about my new DIY projects.
Whenever possible, I shall include notes and procedures to create something awesome. Please feel free to share this blogsite link with your family and friends.
I welcome your feedback and suggestions. And if you get inspired, please share your handwork. That's my motivation to go on trying and sharing newer things.
Kindly request my permission or keep me informed if you want to borrow my ideas or work. Mostly the handcraft that I share can be used for any non-business or non-profit work.
Sharing with you today is a Home plaque made of natural clay.
My other blogs are: 